Daily Archives: May 5, 2012

Dear little one

Dear baby,

For the past month, we have been in Bangalore and now it’s time to go back.

You have been fawned over and adored by your ammamma and great grand parents. Ammamma’s special baths, muthashi’s one sided conversations, muthasha’s whistles are all part of your waking hours. You may not know this but while you sleep I often see then sitting by you and watching you sleep. You are one lucky baby! *thoo thoo *

You reciprocate and make their day with your coos and your smiles! You are their joy and delight !

And now I am taking you away! I know you may not realise what is happening but somewhere in that little baby heart there will be a space which misses his ammabmma’s cuddles, his mutuashi’s pettings and his muthasha’s adoring eyes.

And I am sorry baby for taking you away from this cacoon of love. We adults do these mean things like leave loved ones. I hope little one that while you hold a special place for them in your heart, your dad and I are able to create a similar environment where you feel loved, cherished and special as you deserve .

With guilt in my heart,
Lots of love